
1477 lines
79 KiB
Raw Blame History

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<description>&lt;h3&gt;SparkFun GPS, Antennas&lt;/h3&gt;
This library contains GPS modules, GPS antennas, etc.
We've spent an enormous amount of time creating and checking these footprints and parts, but it is &lt;b&gt; the end user's responsibility&lt;/b&gt; to ensure correctness and suitablity for a given componet or application.
&lt;br&gt;If you enjoy using this library, please buy one of our products at &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.
&lt;b&gt;Licensing:&lt;/b&gt; Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International -
You are welcome to use this library for commercial purposes. For attribution, we ask that when you begin to sell your device using our footprint, you email us with a link to the product being sold. We want bragging rights that we helped (in a very small part) to create your 8th world wonder. We would like the opportunity to feature your device on our homepage.</description>
<package name="ANT-GPS-2X8MM">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;GPS Chip Antenna - 2.0 x 8.0 x 1.5 mm&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;2.0 x 8.0 x 1.5 mm package&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Package used for Chant Sincere Co. 922D03E15X11113 GPS Antenna&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Example Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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<package name="ANT-GPS-2X7MM">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;GPS Chip Antenna - 7.0 x 2.0 x 0.8 mm&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;7.0 x 2.0 x 0.8 mm package&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Package used for Johanson 1575AT43A40 GPS Antenna&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Example Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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<package name="COPERNICUS">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;Trimble Copernicus and Copernicus II GPS Receiver&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;h3&gt;6-Pin Vertical JST Connector&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;1.0mm pitch&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;JST-SH type&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Common interface for SparkFun GPS modules.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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<package name="EM-506_OUTLINE">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;EM-406 and EM-506 module dimensions&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The EM-506 is a GPS receiver module with on-board voltage regulation and patch antenna built-in.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;30 x 30 x 10.7 mm&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Product Link&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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<package name="VENUS638FLPX">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;Skytraq Venus638FLPX GPS Receiver - 44-pin 10 x 10 mm QFN&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Venus638FLPx is a high performance, low cost, single chip GPS receiver.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;SparkFun Product Link&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;h3&gt;GP3906-TLP PoT GPS Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The GP3906-TLP is a POT (Patch on Top) GPS module which is special designed for ultra low power consumption purpose environment. It is a GPS receiver providing a solution that high position and speed accuracy performances as well as high sensitivity and tracking capabilities in urban conditions. The GPS chipsets inside the module are designed by MediaTek Inc., which is the world's leading digital media solution provider and largest fab-less IC company in Taiwan. The module can support up to 66 channels. The GPS solution enables small form factor devices. They deliver major advancements in GPS performances, accuracy, integration, computing power and flexibility. They are designed to simplify the embedded system integration process.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;Based on MediaTek Single Chip Architecture (MT3339).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;ARM7 based application processor&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;High sensitivity: -165dBm tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;L1 frequency, C/A code&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Channels: 66 acquisition, 22 simultaneous tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Low power consumption: 26mA @ acquisition, 20mA @ tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cold/Warm/Hot start time: &lt;35/&lt;33/&lt;1 seconds&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Maximum update rate up to 10Hz&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;GPS data interface: TTL level serial port&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support NMEA 0183 standard V3.01 and backward compliance&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support SBAS WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN and MSAS&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Dimension16mm x 16mm x 6.7mm&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;RoHS compliant&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Advanced software features&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;AlwaysLocate TM advanced location awareness technology&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;EPO TM orbit prediction&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Supports logger function (LOCUS)&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;h3&gt;EM-506 High Performance GPS Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;EM-506 GPS module features high sensitivity, low power and ultra small form factor. This GPS module is powered by SiRF Star IV, it can provide you with superior sensitivity and performance even in urban canyon and dense foliage environment. With SiRF CGEE (Client Generated Extended Ephemeris) technology, it predicts satellite positions for up to 3 days and delivers CGEE-start time of less than 15 seconds under most conditions, without any network assistance. Besides, MicroPower Mode allows GPS module to stay in a hot-start condition nearly continuously while consuming very little power.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Product Features:
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;SiRF Star IV high performance GPS Chipset&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Very high sensitivity (Tracking Sensitivity: -163 dBm)&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Extremely fast TTFF (Time To First Fix) at low signal level&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support UART interface.&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Built-in LNA(with in CHIP)&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Compact size (30.0mm x 30.0 mm x 10.7mm) suitable for space-sensitive application&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support NMEA 0183 V3.0 (GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG, GLL, ZDA) &lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support OSP protocol&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support SBAS (WASS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN)&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<pin name="VIN" x="-10.16" y="5.08" length="short"/>
<pin name="RX" x="-10.16" y="2.54" length="short"/>
<pin name="TX" x="-10.16" y="0" length="short"/>
<pin name="DIRECTIVE" x="-10.16" y="-2.54" length="short"/>
<pin name="GND@1" x="-10.16" y="-5.08" length="short"/>
<pin name="GND@5" x="-10.16" y="-7.62" length="short"/>
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<wire x1="-7.62" y1="-10.16" x2="7.62" y2="-10.16" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="-10.16" x2="7.62" y2="7.62" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
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<text x="-7.62" y="7.874" size="1.778" layer="95" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-7.62" y="-10.414" size="1.778" layer="96" font="vector" align="top-left">&gt;VALUE</text>
<symbol name="EM506_OUTLINE">
<wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="5.08" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="0" y1="5.08" x2="10.16" y2="5.08" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="10.16" y1="5.08" x2="10.16" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="10.16" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<text x="1.27" y="1.778" size="1.778" layer="94">EM406</text>
<text x="0" y="5.334" size="1.778" layer="95" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="0" y="-0.254" size="1.778" layer="96" font="vector" align="top-left">&gt;VALUE</text>
<symbol name="GP-735T">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;GP-735 - Easy-to-use, Ultra-high performance, GPS Smart Antenna Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;ADH-tech GP-735 is a slim, ultra-high performance, easy to use GPS smart antenna module designed with u-bloxs latest 7th generation single chip. This feature rich GPS module not only shortens the design efforts but also provides powerful functions. The compact design allows fast adoption and high yield production. The power control feature is very convenient to turn on/off power just via GPIO control pin. Its especially useful to turn off power as the GPS function is not needed in the host applications.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;Easy adoption with best performance&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Built-in narrow patch antenna for dimension demanding application&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Models of I-PEX RF connector option available for using external antenna&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Built-in backup power pin for faster position fix&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;UART-TTL interface support&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Minimum RF and EMI efforts&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Fully implementation of ultra-high performance u-blox 7 single chip architecture&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;High tracking sensitivity of -162dBm!&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Low power consumption of 37mA for average tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Hardware power saving control pin allowing power on/off GPS via GPIO&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Windows location sensor support&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;A-GPS support&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<pin name="VCC" x="-10.16" y="5.08" length="short"/>
<pin name="RX" x="-10.16" y="0" length="short"/>
<pin name="TX" x="-10.16" y="2.54" length="short"/>
<pin name="V_BAT" x="-10.16" y="-2.54" length="short"/>
<pin name="PWR_CTRL" x="-10.16" y="-5.08" length="short"/>
<pin name="GND" x="-10.16" y="-7.62" length="short"/>
<wire x1="-7.62" y1="7.62" x2="-7.62" y2="-10.16" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="-7.62" y1="-10.16" x2="7.62" y2="-10.16" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="-10.16" x2="7.62" y2="7.62" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="7.62" y1="7.62" x2="-7.62" y2="7.62" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<text x="-7.62" y="7.874" size="1.778" layer="95" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-7.62" y="-10.414" size="1.778" layer="96" font="vector" align="top-left">&gt;VALUE</text>
<symbol name="VENUS638FLPX-L">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;Venus638FLPX-L GPS Receiver&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Venus638FLPx is a high performance, low cost, single
chip GPS receiver targeting mobile consumer and cellular
handset applications. It offers very low power
consumption, high sensitivity, and best in class signal
acquisition and time-to-first-fix performance.&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<wire x1="-12.7" y1="-48.26" x2="12.7" y2="-48.26" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="-48.26" x2="12.7" y2="40.64" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="12.7" y1="40.64" x2="-12.7" y2="40.64" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="-12.7" y1="40.64" x2="-12.7" y2="-48.26" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
<pin name="LED/GPIO0" x="-15.24" y="-17.78" length="short"/>
<pin name="TXD0" x="-15.24" y="12.7" length="short"/>
<pin name="RXD0" x="-15.24" y="15.24" length="short"/>
<pin name="PPS" x="-15.24" y="-20.32" length="short"/>
<pin name="CLK" x="-15.24" y="-12.7" length="short"/>
<pin name="CSN" x="-15.24" y="-10.16" length="short"/>
<pin name="MISO" x="-15.24" y="-7.62" length="short"/>
<pin name="MOSI" x="-15.24" y="-5.08" length="short"/>
<pin name="GND@10" x="-15.24" y="-30.48" length="short"/>
<pin name="GND@11" x="-15.24" y="-33.02" length="short"/>
<pin name="GND@19" x="-15.24" y="-38.1" length="short"/>
<pin name="GND@15" x="-15.24" y="-35.56" length="short"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@21" x="15.24" y="-15.24" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@22" x="15.24" y="-17.78" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@24" x="15.24" y="-20.32" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@25" x="15.24" y="-22.86" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@27" x="15.24" y="-25.4" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@28" x="15.24" y="-27.94" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@29" x="15.24" y="-30.48" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@31" x="15.24" y="-33.02" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@33" x="15.24" y="-35.56" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="RTC" x="-15.24" y="-25.4" length="short"/>
<pin name="BTSEL" x="-15.24" y="20.32" length="short"/>
<pin name="RSTN" x="-15.24" y="27.94" length="short"/>
<pin name="RFIN" x="15.24" y="38.1" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="VCC" x="-15.24" y="35.56" length="short"/>
<pin name="VBAT" x="-15.24" y="22.86" length="short"/>
<pin name="GPIO1" x="15.24" y="33.02" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="REGEN" x="-15.24" y="30.48" length="short"/>
<pin name="GPIO2" x="15.24" y="30.48" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO20" x="15.24" y="7.62" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="PIO12" x="15.24" y="15.24" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="PIO14" x="15.24" y="12.7" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO24" x="15.24" y="0" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="SDA" x="-15.24" y="2.54" length="short"/>
<pin name="SCL" x="-15.24" y="0" length="short"/>
<pin name="GPIO4" x="15.24" y="25.4" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO3" x="15.24" y="27.94" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GND@49" x="-15.24" y="-40.64" length="short"/>
<pin name="PIO5" x="15.24" y="22.86" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="PIO11" x="15.24" y="17.78" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="RXD1" x="-15.24" y="10.16" length="short"/>
<pin name="GPIO25" x="15.24" y="-2.54" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO30" x="15.24" y="-10.16" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="PIO15" x="15.24" y="10.16" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="TXD1" x="-15.24" y="7.62" length="short"/>
<pin name="VCC@58" x="-15.24" y="38.1" length="short"/>
<pin name="GPIO28" x="15.24" y="-5.08" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GND@60" x="-15.24" y="-43.18" length="short"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@61" x="15.24" y="-38.1" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@62" x="15.24" y="-40.64" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO6" x="15.24" y="20.32" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GND@64" x="-15.24" y="-45.72" length="short"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@65" x="15.24" y="-43.18" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GNDRF@69" x="15.24" y="-45.72" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO22" x="15.24" y="5.08" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO23" x="15.24" y="2.54" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="GPIO29" x="15.24" y="-7.62" length="short" rot="R180"/>
<text x="-12.7" y="40.894" size="1.778" layer="95" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-12.7" y="-48.514" size="1.778" layer="96" font="vector" align="top-left">&gt;VALUE</text>
<symbol name="GP3906-TLP">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;GP3906-TLP PoT GPS Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The GP3906-TLP is a POT (Patch on Top) GPS module which is special designed for ultra low power consumption purpose environment. It is a GPS receiver providing a solution that high position and speed accuracy performances as well as high sensitivity and tracking capabilities in urban conditions. The GPS chipsets inside the module are designed by MediaTek Inc., which is the world's leading digital media solution provider and largest fab-less IC company in Taiwan. The module can support up to 66 channels. The GPS solution enables small form factor devices. They deliver major advancements in GPS performances, accuracy, integration, computing power and flexibility. They are designed to simplify the embedded system integration process.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;Based on MediaTek Single Chip Architecture (MT3339).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;ARM7 based application processor&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;High sensitivity: -165dBm tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;L1 frequency, C/A code&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Channels: 66 acquisition, 22 simultaneous tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Low power consumption: 26mA @ acquisition, 20mA @ tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cold/Warm/Hot start time: &lt;35/&lt;33/&lt;1 seconds&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Maximum update rate up to 10Hz&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;GPS data interface: TTL level serial port&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support NMEA 0183 standard V3.01 and backward compliance&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support SBAS WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN and MSAS&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Dimension16mm x 16mm x 6.7mm&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;RoHS compliant&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Advanced software features&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;AlwaysLocate TM advanced location awareness technology&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;EPO TM orbit prediction&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Supports logger function (LOCUS)&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<pin name="GND" x="-12.7" y="-7.62" length="short"/>
<pin name="1PPS" x="-12.7" y="-5.08" length="short"/>
<pin name="RESET" x="-12.7" y="5.08" length="short"/>
<pin name="3D_FIX" x="-12.7" y="-2.54" length="short"/>
<pin name="TX" x="-12.7" y="2.54" length="short"/>
<pin name="RX" x="-12.7" y="0" length="short"/>
<pin name="VBACKUP" x="-12.7" y="7.62" length="short"/>
<pin name="DC_IN" x="-12.7" y="10.16" length="short"/>
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<text x="6.858" y="1.27" size="1.778" layer="94" rot="R90" align="bottom-center">GP3906-TLP
<text x="-10.16" y="12.954" size="1.778" layer="95" font="vector">&gt;Name</text>
<text x="-10.16" y="-10.414" size="1.778" layer="96" font="vector" align="top-left">&gt;Value</text>
<deviceset name="ANTENNA">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;Single-ended Antennae&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;1.575GHz antennae with just one terminal. These are all chip antennae.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;1575MHz (GPS) Antennae&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;ANT-GPS-2X7MM&lt;/b&gt; - 2.0 x 7.0 mm chip antenna. (&lt;a href=""&gt;SparkFun Product&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;b&gt;ANT-GPS-2X8MM&lt;/b&gt; - 2.0 x 8.0 mm chip antenna. (&lt;a href=""&gt;SparkFun Product&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/li&gt;
<gate name="G$1" symbol="ANTENNA" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="GPS-2X8MM" package="ANT-GPS-2X8MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="SIGNAL" pad="SIG"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="GPS-08510"/>
<attribute name="SF_ID" value="GPS-08418"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" value="1.575GHz"/>
<device name="GPS-2X7MM" package="ANT-GPS-2X7MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="SIGNAL" pad="1"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="ANT-09087"/>
<attribute name="SF_ID" value="GPS-09131"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" value="1.575GHz"/>
<deviceset name="COPERNICUS" prefix="IC">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;Trimble Copernicus II GPS Receiver&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The Trimble Copernicus II delivers proven performance and Trimble quality for a new generation of position-enabled products. It features the TrimCore™ navigation software for extremely fast startup times and high performance in foliage canopy and urban canyon environments.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;SparkFun Products&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;GPS Module - Copernicus II (12 Channel)&lt;/a&gt; (GPS-10922)&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;SparkFun GPS Module - Copernicus II DIP (12 Channel)&lt;/a&gt; (GPS-11858)&lt;/li&gt;
<gate name="G$2" symbol="COPERNICUS" x="-17.78" y="17.78"/>
<device name="SMD" package="COPERNICUS">
<connect gate="G$2" pin="BOOT" pad="10"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@3" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@4" pad="13"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@5" pad="14"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@6" pad="15"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@7" pad="27"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="GND@8" pad="28"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="LNA" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="OPEN" pad="7"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="PPS" pad="19"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RESERVED1" pad="6"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RESERVED2" pad="9"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RESERVED3" pad="17"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RESERVED4" pad="18"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RESERVED5" pad="22"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RESERVED6" pad="25"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RESERVED7" pad="26"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RFIN" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RXD-A" pad="21"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="RXD-B" pad="20"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="SHORT" pad="8"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="TXD-A" pad="23"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="TXD-B" pad="24"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="VCC" pad="12"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="XRESET" pad="11"/>
<connect gate="G$2" pin="XSTANDBY" pad="16"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="GPS-10735"/>
<attribute name="SF_ID" value="GPS-10922"/>
<deviceset name="EM-506" prefix="J">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;USGlobalSat EM-506 High Performance GPS Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;EM-506 GPS module features high sensitivity, low power and ultra small form factor. This GPS module is powered by SiRF Star IV, it can provide you with superior sensitivity and performance even in urban canyon and dense foliage environment. With SiRF CGEE (Client Generated Extended Ephemeris) technology, it predicts satellite positions for up to 3 days and delivers CGEE-start time of less than 15 seconds under most conditions, without any network assistance. Besides, MicroPower Mode allows GPS module to stay in a hot-start condition nearly continuously while consuming very little power.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;SparkFun Products&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;GPS Receiver - EM-506 (48 Channel)&lt;/a&gt; (GPS-12751)&lt;/li&gt;
<gate name="G$1" symbol="EM-506" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="-VERTICAL" package="JST-6PIN-1MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="DIRECTIVE" pad="6"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@5" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RX" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="TX" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VIN" pad="2"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="CONN-08249"/>
<deviceset name="EM-506_OUTLINE">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;EM-506 High Performance GPS Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;EM-506 GPS module features high sensitivity, low power and ultra small form factor. This GPS module is powered by SiRF Star IV, it can provide you with superior sensitivity and performance even in urban canyon and dense foliage environment. With SiRF CGEE (Client Generated Extended Ephemeris) technology, it predicts satellite positions for up to 3 days and delivers CGEE-start time of less than 15 seconds under most conditions, without any network assistance. Besides, MicroPower Mode allows GPS module to stay in a hot-start condition nearly continuously while consuming very little power.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;SparkFun Products&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;GPS Receiver - EM-506 (48 Channel)&lt;/a&gt; (GPS-12751)&lt;/li&gt;
<gate name="G$1" symbol="EM506_OUTLINE" x="-5.08" y="-2.54"/>
<device name="" package="EM-506_OUTLINE">
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="GPS-11958"/>
<attribute name="SF_ID" value="GPS-12751"/>
<deviceset name="GP-735T" prefix="J">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;ADH-tech GP-735 - Easy-to-use, Ultra-high performance, GPS Smart Antenna Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;ADH-tech GP-735 is a slim, ultra-high performance, easy to use GPS smart antenna module designed with u-bloxs latest 7th generation single chip. This feature rich GPS module not only shortens the design efforts but also provides powerful functions. The compact design allows fast adoption and high yield production. The power control feature is very convenient to turn on/off power just via GPIO control pin. Its especially useful to turn off power as the GPS function is not needed in the host applications.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Datasheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;SparkFun Products&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;GPS Receiver - GP-735 (56 Channel)&lt;/a&gt; (GPS-13670)&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="GP-735T" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="-VERTICAL" package="JST-6PIN-1MM">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PWR_CTRL" pad="6"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RX" pad="4"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="TX" pad="3"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="V_BAT" pad="5"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="CONN-08249"/>
<deviceset name="VENUS638FLPX-L" prefix="U">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;Venus638FLPX-L GPS Receiver&lt;/h3&gt;
Venus638FLPx is a high performance, low cost, single chip GPS receiver targeting mobile consumer and cellular handset applications. It offers very low power consumption, high sensitivity, and best in class signal acquisition and time-to-first-fix performance.&lt;p&gt;
Venus638FLPx contains all the necessary components of a complete GPS receiver, includes 1.2dB cascaded system NF RF front-end, GPS baseband signal processor, 0.5ppm TCXO, 32.768kHz RTC crystal, RTC LDO regulator, and passive components. It requires very low external component count and takes up only 100mm2 PCB footprint.&lt;p&gt;
Dedicated massive-correlator signal parameter search engine within the baseband enables rapid search of all the available satellites and acquisition of very weak signal. An advanced track engine allows weak signal tracking and positioning in harsh environments such as urban canyons and under deep foliage. The self-contained architecture keeps GPS processing off the host and allows integration into applications with very little resource.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h4&gt;SparkFun Products&lt;/h4&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;GPS Module - Venus638FLPx-L 20Hz (14 Channel)&lt;/a&gt; (GPS-10919)&lt;/li&gt;
<gate name="G$1" symbol="VENUS638FLPX-L" x="0" y="15.24"/>
<device name="" package="VENUS638FLPX">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="BTSEL" pad="9"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="CLK" pad="41"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="CSN" pad="43"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@11" pad="11"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@15" pad="15"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@19" pad="19"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@49" pad="49"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@60" pad="60"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND@64" pad="64"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@25" pad="25"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@27" pad="27"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@28" pad="28"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@29" pad="29"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@31" pad="31"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@33" pad="33"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@61" pad="61"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@62" pad="62"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GNDRF@65" pad="65"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO2" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO20" pad="14"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO22" pad="12"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO23" pad="13"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO24" pad="8"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO25" pad="53"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO28" pad="59"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO29" pad="16"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO3" pad="48"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GPIO30" pad="54"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="MOSI" pad="38"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="PIO12" pad="4"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="PIO15" pad="55"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PIO5" pad="50"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="PPS" pad="40"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="REGEN" pad="36"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RFIN" pad="32"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RSTN" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RTC" pad="17"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RXD0" pad="42"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RXD1" pad="52"/>
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<connect gate="G$1" pin="SDA" pad="45"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="TXD0" pad="44"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="TXD1" pad="57"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VBAT" pad="18"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC@58" pad="58"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="IC-10734"/>
<deviceset name="GP3906-TLP" prefix="U">
<description>&lt;h3&gt;GP3906-TLP PoT GPS Module&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;The GP3906-TLP is a POT (Patch on Top) GPS module which is special designed for ultra low power consumption purpose environment. It is a GPS receiver providing a solution that high position and speed accuracy performances as well as high sensitivity and tracking capabilities in urban conditions. The GPS chipsets inside the module are designed by MediaTek Inc., which is the world's leading digital media solution provider and largest fab-less IC company in Taiwan. The module can support up to 66 channels. The GPS solution enables small form factor devices. They deliver major advancements in GPS performances, accuracy, integration, computing power and flexibility. They are designed to simplify the embedded system integration process.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;Based on MediaTek Single Chip Architecture (MT3339).&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;ARM7 based application processor&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;High sensitivity: -165dBm tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;L1 frequency, C/A code&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Channels: 66 acquisition, 22 simultaneous tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Low power consumption: 26mA @ acquisition, 20mA @ tracking&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Cold/Warm/Hot start time: &lt;35/&lt;33/&lt;1 seconds&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Maximum update rate up to 10Hz&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;GPS data interface: TTL level serial port&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support NMEA 0183 standard V3.01 and backward compliance&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Support SBAS WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN and MSAS&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Dimension16mm x 16mm x 6.7mm&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;RoHS compliant&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Advanced software features&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;AlwaysLocate TM advanced location awareness technology&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;EPO TM orbit prediction&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Supports logger function (LOCUS)&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;SparkFun Products&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;SparkFun GPS Logger Shield&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/li&gt;
<gate name="G$1" symbol="GP3906-TLP" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="" package="GP3906-TLP">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1PPS" pad="12"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3D_FIX" pad="5"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="DC_IN" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="3 8 11 20"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RESET" pad="13"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="RX" pad="10"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="TX" pad="9"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="VBACKUP" pad="4"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="PROD_ID" value="GPS-13174"/>
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Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line,
which will not be processed correctly with this version.