Added SOPINE64 package to the KMNSK library

Added common smd footprint library
Added DDR3 SO-DIMM RAM slot library
And other...
This commit is contained in:
Dominik Dancs 2019-01-02 20:04:30 +01:00
parent 1cd6bce693
commit a735e5319d
5 changed files with 3754 additions and 17 deletions

2-2013022-1.lbr Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
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<description>&lt;DIMM Connectors EMBOSS TAPE DDR3 204P 4H STD&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
&lt;author&gt;Created by SamacSys&lt;/author&gt;</description>
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<description>&lt;b&gt;DIMM Connectors EMBOSS TAPE DDR3 204P 4H STD&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
Source: &lt;a href=""&gt; Datasheet &lt;/a&gt;</description>
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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<description>Interquip Chip Type Crystal Resonator
2016 2520 3225 5032 6035 7050 1045
For more details, please visit</description>
<package name="IQG1045A">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 1045A 2 Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 1045B 4 Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<package name="IQG5032A">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 5032A 2 Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<package name="IQG5032B">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 5032B 4Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<package name="IQG3225">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 3225 4Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<package name="IQG2016">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 2016 4Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<package name="IQG7050A">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 7050A 2Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<package name="IQG7050B">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 7050B 4Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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<package name="IQG6035A">
<description>Chip Type Crystal Resonator Package 6035A 2 Pads
Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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Pb-Free, RoHs Compliant
Company Website:</description>
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smd-footprints.lbr Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff